How would you feel if you could see the condition of your loved one just by closing your eyes? That is not a hypothetical question. The ability to see with the inner eye has been used by our ancestors since time immemorial and it was only during this era that scientists were actively researching it (call it Dean Radin, Charles Tart, J. B. Rhine, and so on).
Researchers in the field of parapsychology are very active in carrying out research on the existence of psychic abilities possessed by humans like telekinesis and clairvoyance. The researchers presented different reports and many of them conflicted. Nonetheless, people's experience shows that humans do have psychic abilities that critical minds often cannot reason with.
Regardless of the results of research that sometimes make sure and sometimes make doubts, anyone wants to master this ability. This book is a synthesis between scientific study and empirical experience of insight with the inner eye (Clairvoyance or Remote Viewing). Armed with scientific explanations of certain glands that function as receivers of information and techniques that have been tested by experience, this book is a true friend in training psychic abilities.
Not only that, this book will help anyone who has been failing in clairvoyance training so that they are no longer disappointed by exercises that don't work; because this book describes the factors that keep you from succeeding in clairvoyance training as well as the powerful solutions you can implement.
Although this book is aimed at beginners, even an experienced clairvoyant will gain new knowledge through this book. We wish you a happy reading, happy practice, and happy seeing with your mind's eye without any unnecessary risks.
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