Telekinesis has been one of the most psychokinesis abilities learned in the world. Type “telekinesis” in the Google and/or YouTube search box and you will be provided with a tremendous number of results. Not only are the encouraging materials showed but also the discouraging ones; those discouraging you from practicing telekinesis.
Many scientists, especially parapsychologists, wrote about telekinesis. Unfortunately, most of their writings tend to make you believe that telekinesis is not real, a fraud. If you find this book, and yes you do, you find a different one.
This is not merely a book discussing telekinesis. This is a guide for a serious reader who wants to practice telekinesis seriously. This guidebook contains serious telekinesis practices which are based on the experts’ techniques tested by myself. The potential obstacles that make so many people give up on telekinesis are also discussed along with the solutions.
Whether you are a beginner or someone who had practiced telekinesis for years and still failed, this guidebook is for you. This guidebook was not written to disappoint you – anymore. This guidebook was written to help you unleash your dormant telekinesis ability.
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